Monday, September 3, 2012

#12 Cold Brook Canyon

We explored a new area today - Wind Cave National Park. We wanted something pretty relaxed, so we started with Cold Brook Canyon. I know we've had a few issues with our guide book in the past, but it was right on the money with this one. This turned out to be the easiest trail we've hiked yet. Oddly enough, the trailhead sign described it as a moderately strenuous hike. The only way this trail would have been moderately strenuous is if one of us had given the other a piggyback ride the entire way.

As glad as we were with the ease of the hike, we were equally disappointed with the scenery. Needless to say, it was very flat. There were slight rises on either side of the "canyon". In a few places rocky cliffs were present, but they weren't especially dramatic. There wasn't even a drop of water in the brook, just the blackest dirt I've ever seen. The grass that filled the valley was brown and unattractive, and the trees - mostly Ponderosa - were limited to the canyon edges. The worst part about this last fact was that we were in direct sunlight nearly the entire time. It was in the 80s at the time of our hike, but it felt darn right hot without any shade.

On our way to the trail, we passed a small herd of buffalo and spotted three pronghorns. Those were our wildlife highlights of the day. While hiking, we saw one prairie dog, three vultures, and many grasshoppers. Lame.

As always, it was good to be out, but this trail definitely didn't make our favorites list.

Total Distance: 3.2 miles
Elevation Gain: 988 feet
Max. Elevation: 4,332 feet
Total Time: 1 hour, 2 minutes
Moving Time: 55 minutes
Average Moving Speed: 3.4 mph

These buffalo were only about a mile and a half from our trailhead, making us think there was a decent possibility we'd see some on our hike...

...but this was the closest thing to a buffalo we saw while on the trail.

Further disappointment: Clearly there would be no buffalo burgers for supper.

On the positive side, we didn't get trapped in a flash flood.

The only sloped section of the trail to speak of was near the trailhead.

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